Thursday, March 1, 2012

I got my hair did on Saturday. Some of the high school girls that live in the dorm did it for me. It only took 5 hours... We had a good time and now almost every person I walk pass tells me I am beautiful.... I don't hate it. 


  1. Hey K, we are all over at Sam's having a nice Sunday dinner, wish you were here. Hope you are having fun, love everybody.

  2. Hay K............You are beautiful!..........I thought all African girls walked around with nothing covering their boobies, No huh?.........bummer! It sounds to me like you are having a great adventure. I especially liked the foto of your chicken cooking and the comment the kids made about air conditioning. Grandma & I love you, miss you and still worry about you being so far from home.

  3. I LOVE your hair. Need to take a front shot so we can see how beautiful you look.

  4. You truly look black in this picture! Nice tan, beautiful girl!

  5. Hay K....Using my great powers of deduction I have deduced that you may live in or close to Kakata (that looks like about a two hour bus ride to me) you took a 6 hr van ride that took 12 hrs and your destination was a 30 min walk to the Guinea border were you in or near Gbloyee, Garteh Village, Miller Village or Gbedin Station or whut? I am going to find you! Have you been to Bong yet? I hear it's beautiful this time of the year. Grandma & I visited Bong many times when we were much younger (don't tell her I told you that).......Love, Grandpa
