Have you been wondering how you can help out in Liberia? Here are a few things you can do!
Sponsor "Grandma" to go to school. She is the daughter of Harry, my security guard who takes very good care of me and all the other volunteers. She is 4 years old and it would cost about $250 a semester to send her to Ricks Institute. Everyone calls her grandma because she was given her grandmothers name. |
These children are known as my Fan Club. They live at the end of the street and come visit once or twice a day. The oldest girl, who is the middle, is 9 years old. Her parents leave very early every morning to sell in the market and return right at dark. She is in charge of caring for all of these children, all day, including the baby. $5 would get them a small soccer ball, $22 would get them a sack of rice, or you could send any amount for clothes and shoes. |
My Fan Club, along with all the children, love candy. Sending a bag of candy with Jessica or Brittany would make a lot of children happy! |
I recently began bringing the juniors and seniors at Ricks to do volunteer work at a nearby orphanage. This is the school building at the orphanage, which holds are the K-6th grade classes. As you can tell they are low on funds, so any donation for school supplies would be welcome. |
The Ricks students would love to play soccer, kickball, or volleyball with these orphans. Each full size, leather soccer ball is $15. |
The orphanage is always in need of food supplies. One sack of rice is $22 or send any amount to go towards vegetables, oil, seasonings, and all the other things it takes to feed a bunch of growing children. |
I posted these pretty girls a month or so ago but never heard from anyone. They are the daughters of a fellow teacher at Ricks and are eager to start school! Check out my earlier post if you are interested in helping them.
Other Needs:
Soccer balls for children in the community and at Ricks
Children's books for the orphanage
School supplies for the students at Ricks
Monetary donations for the clinic on the Ricks campus with provides students with medicine for Malaria and other illnesses.
If you are in the Mars Hill area, you can give your donation, along with what you would like it to be used for, to Jessica Shelton or Brittan Marcum. You also have the option of giving them candy, clothes, and books if they have room in their luggage. Jessica leaves this Thursday, May 10th and Brittany leaves May 17th. If you are in the Dunedin area you can give the money to my parents to put in my account, which I can access about once every two weeks.
Please email me at Kboston@mhc.edu if you would like to help out in any way! |
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